in other news, i stayed up too late last night, partly due to playing the Atari. i'm going to get serious now (that i have a good computer at home) and get cracking on my collections. i have three collections i'd like to work on:
1. Vintage Doonesbury books. (i have about thirty now and probably have another fifteen to go in order to have them from the beginning to 1980)
2. Atari Games (i have about seventy or eighty and there are a couple dozen more that i'd really like)
3. Atari Equipment (right now i have three bad joysticks, one star raiders pad, and i can't find my paddle controllers. i also have three Atari systems, but two of them are broken. I'd like to get four good joysticks, eight paddle controllers, two keypad controllers, and another two to five working Atari 2600 systems, preferrably different models (ie, i have a Sears Tele-games that works right now and two actual Atari 2600 systems that don't... i'd like to get a couple working Atari 2600 boxes and maybe some different generic 2600 boxes, that way if one breaks i'm not left out in the cold).
The nice thing about those three collections, especially with Atari stuff, is that there's a ton of that stuff on ebay all the time, and Atari stuff is common at yard sales, flea markets, and salvation army stores. of course, i also forgot my DVD collection, i would like to work on it (i'd like to get all the Coen brothers films that are out there, some vintage Gene Hackman, Paul Newman, and Marlon Brando movies, and of course always more Woody Allen films). but DVDs cost a lot more than used Atari 2600 cartridges.
CPR: 73%
PPR: 81%
spinning: radiohead - amnesiac