Lunch Should Be Longer

Work, Home, Rest, and's always a great day at work...

Saturday, October 13, 2001

well folks, this is pretty cool right now. i'm posting VIA AOL Instant Messenger. this is great to know indeed. no i don't have to have a Blogger window open. weee. check it out here..BloggerBot.

good news also abounds; i have found a house. pending my credit check, i'll be able to move in next saturday. hip hip hooray!

Friday, October 12, 2001

bad things: not turning on the alarm when you go to bed
good things: altho forgetting is a bad thing to turn on the alarm, you at least get a good nights sleep
paul needs to tell the FBI to fight the paranoia!

CPR: 20%
PPR: 0% (i'm leaving at eleven, jayna and i are having engagement pictures taken today)
spinning: jets to brazil - four cornered night

Thursday, October 11, 2001

i envy those that have higher CPR rating than i. i long for the days of having a CPR rating higher than 50%...*le sigh*
CPR: 72%
PPR: 95%
spinning: faraquet - the view from this tower
(the best record released in the last 12 months, in my humble opinion)
so i sit here and try to work right? ok, fine that's not a problem. having a nice quiet working environment is good. then out of no where a nearby cube dweller let's out a large cackle. i do not know why this person feels they are the most important person here on this floor. it's like everything is a travesty when they are busy. making phone calls thru the speaker phone. this is an office no-no for those non-cube dwellers out there. if i want to hear your conversation, i'd walk in your cube and sit down and take a listen. this is when i put on some mogwai and just drown out the annoying cackles and speaker phone converstations.

CPR: 0% and falling
PPR: 30%

spinning: mogwai - young team
unfun but necesarry things to do: telling a friend that he's way too close to a married individual.
unsettling fact: they may hate/resent you for it.
uncola: 7 UP

CPR: 1%
PPR: 80%

spinning: The Smiths

as the note i wrote
was read, she said
has the Perrier gone
straight to my head
or is life plainly sick and cruel, instead?
maybe i just have too many stupid things going on in my life, but to this date johnstown, valley of the gray sun, has never had a very negative effect on my psyche. my self-hatred, my band shennanigans, my work angst, those things have negative effects... and i realize johnstown sucks, but it hasn't gotten to me yet.

okay, valid reason for being late to work today: i went to sleep at 10:30 so i would get to work early, like 7 or 7:15 this morning. then at 1:30AM i get a call from jamey--> his car broke down on 22 out towards blairsville, and he couldn't get anyone on the phone. i try to get him (them, there were at least two others there) a triple-A tow, but they say that won't help much. so i go get 'em... pass 'em in the middle of the night (2:20AM) by about 15 miles, call 'em from a sheetz, backtrack and get 'em, it wasn't jameys car after all (it was an old subaru that dumped its antifreeze and caught on fire). drove 'em all back to jonny kaos' house, got home at 4 in the morning, and couldn't fall asleep until about 5:15AM. it was a fun night... i'm going to list my phone number around town, "great white ferry service"... yeah, that's the ticket
mm, how about when you get up in the morning and know that you don't want to go to work? that's just as bad my friend maybe even worse. and yes, i have read Dubliners. i'm telling you "valley of the grey sun" has never been so true when it comes to describing johnstown.

have an apple'll change your life.
so it's 6:32 VCR time at my place this morning. yeah, that's right VCR time, cause it seems that not one clock in my apartment seems to have the same time as another. the computer is at least six minutes fast and i've adjusted the time on that serveral times. it always self-adjusts itselt to run six minutes fast. yeah, i had another computer there before this did the same thing. i digress. so i debate getting up now or going to work. i decided to "screw it" and go back to sleep. however during the time i was contemplating, i inadvertanly woke myself up. i attemped to go back to sleep, however that did not work.

moral of the story: when deciding whether or not to get up or go to not contemplate for long, make the quick decision. and nickelodeon cartoons suck. the end.

CPR: 0%
PPR: 80%

spinning: the snails that killer (that's my fish) has knocked off of the side of the bowl...

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

gents, its probably a site i should never be visiting. but for everyones health and sanity, i ask you to read this article... and to be VERY careful what herbal supplements you take.

i am a man of constant sorrow
hey now! i remember the church lady... the time she played drums... the time she questioned rob lowe about his "activities".
a cool bar to play darts or shoot pool? that would be a nice find.
i would really like to know why our society is infatuated with the word "extreme." as i get my cup of coffee this morning (and some fine peanut butter creme cookies) i notice a bag of Extreme Doritos. Ok, so we have the "extreme" sports. most of which are events that you do w/o snow. oooo, now that's extreme if you ask me. it tends to breed normal 30-somethings into idiotic teenagers. perhaps it's the fountain of youth or maybe the fountain of youth and stupidity go hand in hand.

anyway, back to my mention of Extreme Doritos. can anyone tell my how a baked or fried piece of food can be extreme? how idiotic is it to name a chip extreme? this idea is taking over everything. even here in the software industry, extreme programming (XP) and what i hate the most is stupid Nickelodeon cartoons with that god-awful animation style of rugrats. i don't know what the cartoon is called, but it's five kids doing "extreme" sports. the kids with oversized heads (and egos) doing really dumb and stupid things. yes, i know it's meant for a younger audience, but when flipping thru channels and i come across that bloody cartoon, i want to put a brick thru the TV. and yes, that's what all of today's cartoons are looking like now. if it's not a pokemon-like show, it's a freakin' rugrats style cartoon. what happened to woody woodpecker, classics like looney toons, and still a great and original cartoon Animaniacs?!? kids are very deprived today.

well, why fight the system, let's just call this EXTREME effin BLOGGING!! i hate the word extreme.

CPR: 0% (due to rant)
PPR: 80% (wishful thinking)

now spinning: Elliot Smith XO

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

oh yes micah, i understand that. please don't think that my last remark was directed at all posters. just my posts. i particularly like silly things.

altho, some people like my one cube neighbor over here who thinks she's the bees knees really needs to be taught a lesson. any suggestions?
well, paul, this blog goes through cycles... cycles where dorks like me try to engage in serious discourse on important matters affecting our lives.

and then there are times when dorks like me post silly things, like nirvana lyrics.
why is it when i read other blogs out there, they seem so much more interesting than mine. even if it's talking about someone's sick girlfriend? maybe i should just start talking about my mundane life and perhaps it'll be that much more interesting.

i doubt it.
it's okay to eat fish cause they don't have any feelings
wow..some semblance of work has taken place. mmm, jump that CPR rating now!!

CPR: 25%
PPR: 50%

spinning now: American Football
ah, nothing quite makes you feel like a heel like joining a new mailing list newsgroup and getting "semi-flamed" for not looking in the archives before sending out a question, then replying with a new question and a ps mentioning that i'm having trouble viewing the archives, and then a few minutes later figuring out how to get the yahoo groups working with my hotmail account. i can't wait to get "semi-flamed" again!
actually a good source of mine said that we already manufacture midgets in the highbay here at ETF. who'd a thunk it?
or trying to squeeze 13 circus clowns into 5" fish bowl. you can't. unless they're midgets. but that would mean you'd have to manufacture much smaller midgets. hmm...manufacturing midgets...what a novel idea or perhaps an idea for a novel.
how about trying to squeeze 16 hours of living (a day's worth) into 2 or 3 hours every night?

CPR: 5%
PPR: 80%
goal for today is to actually do some work. must achieve some sense of worth here by accomplishing one task.

CPR: 0%
PPR: 70%

now spinning: Pink Floyd

Monday, October 08, 2001

bad things "o" as the new movie based on othello?
prison labor. down with the sweatshops, up with slave labor. better watch out, corporations will lobby government to "get tough on crime" and send more people to jail... in order to increase the prison labor workforce. its one thing to turn out license plates; its another thing entirely to turn out consumer products for mega-corporations.
Killer has been transplanted to yet another fish bowl. i think he likes eventho he fell on the floor in the midst of transit to his new home. never fear, it seems he's ok and is a stronger fish because of it. let's hear it for killer and his gamera (gam-er-ah) butty!!

CPR: -15%
PPR: -1%
oh my, what a day this has been. i did receive some good news here this morning. seems my skanky upstairs neighbors are moving out! that is very good news indeed!

on the other hand, i'm not getting ANYTHING done here at work today. it's really quite disturbing.

CPR: -1%
PPR: 50%

now spinning: Gay Dad
my goodness... what a beauty!

gabe & paul--> definite plans for attending the course in the spring must be made... also, hey mercedes plans must be investigated further at the moment...
Gabe and Micah are the new members of "I Want A Motorcyle." Amazingly enough, they believe that this here bike is for them!

Is that Micah in the helmet?
it's one of our infrequent poster's birthday today. and she's being a big ol' sour puss about it too. Say Happy Birthday to Amy today...