Lunch Should Be Longer

Work, Home, Rest, and's always a great day at work...

Thursday, October 11, 2001

so it's 6:32 VCR time at my place this morning. yeah, that's right VCR time, cause it seems that not one clock in my apartment seems to have the same time as another. the computer is at least six minutes fast and i've adjusted the time on that serveral times. it always self-adjusts itselt to run six minutes fast. yeah, i had another computer there before this did the same thing. i digress. so i debate getting up now or going to work. i decided to "screw it" and go back to sleep. however during the time i was contemplating, i inadvertanly woke myself up. i attemped to go back to sleep, however that did not work.

moral of the story: when deciding whether or not to get up or go to not contemplate for long, make the quick decision. and nickelodeon cartoons suck. the end.

CPR: 0%
PPR: 80%

spinning: the snails that killer (that's my fish) has knocked off of the side of the bowl...


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