Well, let's see what's changed. Not too much, still renting the same house, seeing the same girl, driving the same truck and working the same job.
Motorcycling has pretty much taken over my life. I think about it all the time and revel in the thought that the riding season in PA is about to start. Just need a few more weeks and I'll be at it again. Seen a few different areas since joining up with Craig's posse of riders. Thanks to him (and the guys letting me tag along) I've seen Montana and the BRP on the saddle of a motorcycle. Good stuff.
I've been reading through these old posts..crazy stuff. Found this little jewel: "But in about 5 or 7 years I'll be purchasing my second bike. Now whether that'll be a cruiser or a sport bike...I can't say right now....just have to wait til the time comes :)" Heh heh, well, I was off by a year. I'll be adding a Triumph Tiger to my stable to start my Adventure Touring on a motorcycle. First goal: Alaska. Maybe in a couple of years I'll be ready to make the trip. Here's hoping!
Photography is the other main hobby taking up my time. I purchased a Nikon D70 to replace my old Sony S85. I now how a ton more flexibility in what shoot and how I can compose a photo. I hope someday to combine photography and my motorcycle(s) into some kind of cool project.
Other than that, who knows what the future holds!