and i'm looking through my photo album, finding all the pictures of Cricket. damn cat.
Saturday, January 26, 2002
we worked on the set this morning from 9 to 12:40. for the first couple hours, there was the director, myself, and a couple guys still in high school, so i sorta had to take charge and get them moving. and you know what? i have a greater sense of accomplishment from less than 4 hours of work on that set than i have had from the last two years of work.
and i'm looking through my photo album, finding all the pictures of Cricket. damn cat.
and i'm looking through my photo album, finding all the pictures of Cricket. damn cat.
Friday, January 25, 2002
i am my father's son. and i guess, when its all said and done, and my life is over, will i have ever gotten around to any of the fantastic ideas i'm constantly having? or will i end up like my dad, stuck working away at the only thing i know how to do, because i never focused and gave one of those fantastic ideas a chance to come to fruition.
no, it is not a power ranger's toy...far from it. it's almost a 1000cc engined motorcycle that is one of the best touring bikes that are out there for it's price. it's right up there with the BMW's motorcycles.
Thursday, January 24, 2002
mm, but i'd love to touring new england on this sucker, that's for sure!
that's ST for Sport Touring
that's ST for Sport Touring
it has become very obvious that i can no longer type well. yes, i can type my own thoughts quite easily, yet, copying something from another written document has become not as good as it once was....*sigh*....put me in an old folks home everyone, because that's where i belong.
that is it right there. sign me up, knock me out.
from an interview with robert nanna:
Firesideometer: Some of the places you hear of Braid playing make the movie Spinal Tap seem like a serious documentary. What were some of the weirdest situations you guys were in?
Bob: We played a 15 year old girl's bedroom in South Carolina. Full volume, amps, drums and all. That may have been the weirdest venue.
from an interview with robert nanna:
Firesideometer: Some of the places you hear of Braid playing make the movie Spinal Tap seem like a serious documentary. What were some of the weirdest situations you guys were in?
Bob: We played a 15 year old girl's bedroom in South Carolina. Full volume, amps, drums and all. That may have been the weirdest venue.
sorry y'all...i'm just in an old car mood today...
i absolutely LOVE '40 Mercs man...if i could get my dad to start a project car....this is what i would love to restore!

i absolutely LOVE '40 Mercs man...if i could get my dad to start a project car....this is what i would love to restore!
i shoulda gone to bed at 11:30. but no, i had to watch some scenes from one flew over the cuckoo's nest and easy rider. but my unbelievable, personal best streak of four days of getting to work before 8am stands! now, if i can make it in early tomorrow, that will make it an entire week, and i'm pretty certain i've never managed to do that before.
if i get audited, i'm going feign narcolepsy. "Well, Mr. Auditor, what the environmental policy means to me is ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz"
oh yeah. i was up this morning, getting ready. i was in the bathroom- i wet my head and made my hair look respectable. 'Hmm. I better put my sack lunch in the living room so i don't forget it.' So i went to the kitchen, took my lunch out of the fridge, set it on the couch in the living room. Went back to the bathroom, and I brushed my teeth and trimmed down my chin whiskers. Then i thought to myself, 'Hmm. I better get my lunch out of the fridge so i don't forget it.' So i went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and stared at the empty bottom rack. 'What the heck? Where is my lunch?' I stare for about two seconds. "Oh yeah, now i remember......."
if i get audited, i'm going feign narcolepsy. "Well, Mr. Auditor, what the environmental policy means to me is ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz"
oh yeah. i was up this morning, getting ready. i was in the bathroom- i wet my head and made my hair look respectable. 'Hmm. I better put my sack lunch in the living room so i don't forget it.' So i went to the kitchen, took my lunch out of the fridge, set it on the couch in the living room. Went back to the bathroom, and I brushed my teeth and trimmed down my chin whiskers. Then i thought to myself, 'Hmm. I better get my lunch out of the fridge so i don't forget it.' So i went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and stared at the empty bottom rack. 'What the heck? Where is my lunch?' I stare for about two seconds. "Oh yeah, now i remember......."
hmm, i'll agree with you on that gabe. i woke up this morning quite confused. i had no idea what day it was, i actually thought the hell was starting all over again and it was monday. i actually remember saying out loud: "what the hell, is it monday? god, no!"
amy, here's your rally sport dear:
amy, here's your rally sport dear:

Wednesday, January 23, 2002
the oldsmobile omega is the greatest car ever made. if only ever being on the planet could drive one, we could finally once and for all achieve world peace and unity.
husker du's second album, metal circus, contains one of the most disturbing, and haunting, rock songs i've ever heard. diane. that's the name of the song. its frightening for the same reason henry portrait of a serial killer is frightening- it gives us a glimpse into the skewed mind of a killer. and i think, like henry portrait of a serial killer, its all the more frightening because the human longing that the killer is crushed under is the same most of us experience.
mm, now i remember my dream from last night. i was trying to catch an airplane to the ye olde south and it was flight #338 and i can distinctly remember a man pushing the airplane out of the hanger up to one of the docks, but it was strange because the man was much larger than the plane and the plane was also a taildragger...odd. i causually watched as i missed my flight and then it dawned on me...i missed my flight...enter the large yellow truck which almost strikes down an elderly man and a small bicycle that was conviently placed in the middle of the road. it only went so far tho, and i had to walk the rest of the way to the airport. as i walked to the airport i had to shimmy around the side of a cliff that looked like model homes. one was actually a castle-like home...very strange. the whole time i was looking at this stuff, it was like i was flying high overhead.
i still like the old man thing. the guy was waving to the driver to slow down and standing in the middle of the road...the driver was all: "watch this" and proceeds to floor it. the old man hobbles out of the way and as i looked at him in the mirror he shaking his fist in the air. it was funny, really, it was.
i still like the old man thing. the guy was waving to the driver to slow down and standing in the middle of the road...the driver was all: "watch this" and proceeds to floor it. the old man hobbles out of the way and as i looked at him in the mirror he shaking his fist in the air. it was funny, really, it was.
tortoise. why do i love them? well, at their most melodic moments, they evoke the same feeling as faraquet's melodic pieces. at their most intimidating moments, their songs have the same menace as mogwai. and there's a lot of keyboard and vibraphone that gives some of their songs a kind of orbital-like lushness.
now spinning: the beauty pill, cigarette girl from the future. CPR: 78%, PPR: 87%
now spinning: the beauty pill, cigarette girl from the future. CPR: 78%, PPR: 87%
gabe, i myself have had similar dream crashes, where a car drives off a ledge or cliff but lands on its nose without harming its occupants.
now spinning: not sure yet. CPR: 6% PPR: 89%
now spinning: not sure yet. CPR: 6% PPR: 89%
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
i so enjoy looking at the grover picture down below...why, i actually spit my water back into my cup because it made me laugh...ahh, that good ol tasteless humor!

of course, i don't care what my BMI is, i still know i'm not in shape. so what if my blasted BMI is allright, but the act of drinking water leaves me winded.
23.3. and of course, i don't really know what i weigh right now so i guessed 165. i'm usually anywhere between 160 and 170, depending on how close the moon is to the earth.
let's hope that this never comes to "fruitation"...
now spinning: sigur ros, agaetis byrjun - again, further proof that buying five great albums at once doesn't work. i got this in the same batch i got 'lift your skinny fists...', and i haven't listened to it all the way through yet. until this morning.
CPR: 68%, PPR: 92%
hmm... when i yawn and it feels like my head & heart are going to explode, i take it as a sign that i need to get in better shape. or never yawn.
CPR: 68%, PPR: 92%
hmm... when i yawn and it feels like my head & heart are going to explode, i take it as a sign that i need to get in better shape. or never yawn.
Monday, January 21, 2002
paul mack, the duckpin king! i clawed my way to a 400, but it wasn't pretty. but paul made a 487 look easy. he hasn't beat my 211 yet, so while he charges after that i'm going to work on getting the high series crown back (we were actually tied for it at 460 until last night's steroid-enhanced performance).
now spinning: godspeed you black emperor, lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven! absolutely incredible album. proof that buying five great CDs at once doesn't work, because i never listen to them all. i soak up three or four but one or two fall through the cracks, like this one did. well i have remedied that situation.
now spinning: godspeed you black emperor, lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven! absolutely incredible album. proof that buying five great CDs at once doesn't work, because i never listen to them all. i soak up three or four but one or two fall through the cracks, like this one did. well i have remedied that situation.
ok, so robert urich had a really bad movie on CBS last night with ye olde chuck norris. now, we were trying to remember last night at bowling what robert urich was famous for back in the 80's. I knew i remembered him being on a cheers episode but i couldn't place the name of the show. as i slumbered last night i kept dreaming about looking up urich on IMDB and finding out EXACTLY what show it was. There were all kinds of contests as to who was right...and at some point at 3 o'clock in the morining I came up with Hudson....But I didn't realize how wrong that was, that was simply one of Amanda's dogs. But, it was Spencer: For Hire that he was immensely famous for in the 80's.
But as for a lovely report....I had a 487 series last night during bowling, almost broke the 200 barrier, but i got a 198 instead. However, I now hold the high game crown over micah...but he still has the high single game yet....
But as for a lovely report....I had a 487 series last night during bowling, almost broke the 200 barrier, but i got a 198 instead. However, I now hold the high game crown over micah...but he still has the high single game yet....
Sunday, January 20, 2002
in the good news column, the radio in the van works- you just have to hit the dash really hard right above it, and shazam! it turns on. also, the man who wasn't there is showing at Westwood now (i have been told). saturday night, get it on.
in the bad news column, i ate 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fries from McD's for lunch. then i ate over a half-bag of snyder's bbq chips whilst watching the steelers. the effects on my system have been many and splendored.
aw yeah, i'm listening to that Richard Pryor CD i bought on friday... hilarious!!!!
in the bad news column, i ate 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fries from McD's for lunch. then i ate over a half-bag of snyder's bbq chips whilst watching the steelers. the effects on my system have been many and splendored.
aw yeah, i'm listening to that Richard Pryor CD i bought on friday... hilarious!!!!