Lunch Should Be Longer

Work, Home, Rest, and's always a great day at work...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Quite the dream last night. Was in a small plane, maybe a fifty or eighty seater, talking to some guys from a local band, Endless Mike & the Beagle Club. I went to get something from a storage compartment, but it ended up being more like the cargo hold. The plane started noticeably accelerating, and perhaps even dropping in altitude a bit, and one of the guys from the band asked what was going on, and I said, "Ah, they're probably just trying to avoid some turbulance."

Then there was a loud clunk, the plane shuddered violently, and the engines shut off. I could feel in my stomach that we were now descending very quickly. I was there in the cargo hold, and it sure seemed like the plane was going to crash. I was scared- I prayed, "God, if its going down like this, please let it be painless."

I woke up then, in a real "fight or flight" adrenaline rush.


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