Lunch Should Be Longer

Work, Home, Rest, and's always a great day at work...

Friday, May 03, 2002

whew, i can't get over how good spider-man was last night. it moves so quickly that you don't even realize two hours have gone by. it just keeps your attention the whole time. it's going to become a classic comic movie much like that of Superman and the first Batman by Tim Burton. All the actors and actresses performed their roles with superb skill and the cast department did a great job on this film. it's kind of funny, this movie makes you feel like a kid and i know it reminds me a lot of my childhood. granted, i never read the comics, i usually just watched the saturday morning cartoons of spider-man, but the movie just kinda makes you feel like a kid.

i can't wait to see it again for the third time!

Thursday, May 02, 2002

rode my farthest jaunt on the bike yesterday. two odd things to is that i killed a chimpmunk, which was kind of scary seeing as how i was going around a turn at the time. second is that i encountered a scene right out of ireland or scotland. we were in somerset county and out on a VERY back road and came around this turn and there was a HUGE flock of sheep being herded back to the one of the farms. I'm talking well over a hundred sheep here and completely taking up the whole road. of course we stopped and let them pass and after that, we had to watch out for sheep droppings. other than that, i'm more and more convinced that this bike is so very nice. riding down 219 from richland to somerset felt like i was driving my truck or a car....except..more wind of course.

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

the ultimate motorcycle compliment:
harely mechanics checking out your bike...oh yeah

i'll own this bike til the day i die...

Tuesday, April 30, 2002

i think what is really pissing me off this morning is the fact that i spent 5k on something i can't use right now. so instead of being mildly contented, i'm mildly outraged by the lack of nice spring weather. if it was just rain that was keeping me from riding...well, that's ok, but when the high for the day (namely yesterday) was 37 and in the morning it was only 36....yeah, well, that pisses me off. not to mention the fact that for the past three weeks or so we've had winds in the range of 15 to 35 mph. i'm sorry, but when you're trying to ride a motorcycle ride with those kinds of winds....the word "enjoy" is replaced with "survive." So I anxiously await for better weather, and sadly, I don't get it, so the bike sits in the garage w/o use. It is really hard looking at that bike and knowing you can't ride because the weather sucks.