as much as we like to think of our country as the moral high ground in the world; we're not and we're just as bad in some cases. i kind of agree with the media idea though, but not that it's pushing the edge so much (tho it does from time to time), but that it's lifted the veil of morality that blankets the citizens of this country. it's exposed the darker side of our country, one that indulges it's pleasures. one cannot help that this being a capitalistic country that it's media networks, companies/corporations, etc exploit the public's demand and readily peddle it's wares.
so, are we worse off than the generations that came before us? maybe a little, but i don't think it has grown in leaps in bounds, it's just been brought to the surface and brought to everyone's attention. so how does one plan to stop the sliding morals of 200+ million citizens? well, big brother becomes bigger and has more control over your freedoms. sanctioned sexual activity, sanctioned publications from the state, and the list goes on until you get to some form of socialism or communism. i don't think that's what we want.
my two cents on the topic...
i dig discussions like this and i don't want this taken as an attack at all. it's my point of view and i respect everyone eles's right to express that here as long as it doesn't get out of hand and turn to personal attacks and name calling.