Lunch Should Be Longer

Work, Home, Rest, and's always a great day at work...

Thursday, November 22, 2001

my globe-trotting posting continues! i'm again in curwensville, its been a pretty eventless day. basically i watched a lot of TV and played about eight games of NBA2K on the dreamcast (a pretty cool game i might add).

any day now i'll be able to post from my new computer at home, once i figure out how to connect to UPJ with it.

also, let me add that i really hate the pig-headedness that some people possess... like my grandfather. me: "Well, I talked to my family a lot because my cat, Cricket, died last week." grandfather: "Well, you're better off without it." me: "Ah, I knew you'd have some sort of BS like that to say."

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

oh lord...that is the worst bunch of song writing skills since my second grade attempt to write a rhyming poem about a ball that bounced off a wall and rolled down the hall!
who's LFO?

and how can crap like this happen???

now spinning: not sure yet. maybe husker du, maybe hey mercedes, maybe willie nelson.
hey, i'm pretty sure that she only wrote two of the songs on her new album (not all but two). i just read a review or something last week and i'm pretty sure thats what it said...
you've heard the urban ledgend if one has too much fun with thyself hair will develop on your hand.....well, read this poor sucker's tale...

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

oh, sorry oh great one...she wrote all but two of her songs....oh me oh my, yes she IS an artist!
listening to some of the police's old stuff today and i found a song snippet that i always found quite interesting. ooh, the line goes like "There's a skeleton choking on a crust of bread." why i like that...i don't know...maybe it's just imagery or maybe it's because i've watched one too many B-Movies with bad animated skeletons. and hats off to them for fitting Mephistopheles into a song that was not written by Disney.
yes micah, like, oh my gosh, did you like, heeear brittney's new album? like totally rocks. she's really like, sooo matured as an artist and stuff. instead of like someone writing all her songs, she like, you know, wrote two of her songs! like OH MY GOSH, can you imagine like, writing YOUR OWN SONG?! but she like wrote TWO!!! like how totally talented is she?!
its all that indie rock, gabe. if you'd stick to teen-pop like the rest of us, you too would enjoy life with loud report!
changing of travel plans to account for the weather? never! just drive slow and make sure you have emergency supplies in your car (blanket, food, candles, etc...) and give it your best shot.

mark november 20th as the day the snow came. Bring on the quiet beauty of falling snow in the moonlight, the eery silence that fills a bare forest when all the branches in it are covered with ice, how nice it feels to be under a blanket watching a movie as the snow blows outside the window, the way a cold winter morning wakes you up better than any cup of coffee you'll ever drink, the crisp sharp feel of the world on a cold slightly overcast day, the way it feels like a movie when you're outside with your winter cap on and your breath escapes your mouth like smoke, that great feeling you get when your car starts to fishtail and you control it and keep on driving, the joy of a snowball fight, sled-riding, snowboarding, throwing snowballs at the building you work in. ah, winter.
i like the indie rock humor much more than the geek humor (in diesel sweeties).

now spinning: death cab / photo album (although its been spinning for 2 hours now and will be changing soon)
CPR: 65% PPR: 73% (i heart word documents)
it's a new genre of humor gabe. anything with a computer in the comic strip should be considered geek humor. i just particularly think that this was a clever use of a toaster and macintosh. i mean really...a talking macintosh and a toaster that pantomimes, i think i'm going to write a sitcom about that, and i'll make millions off of it!

Monday, November 19, 2001

Geek Humor. Dig it yo.

hey indie rock liking people: check this out
let me add that the IUP library has a collection of LIFE magazines dating back to the late nineteen-thirties. and i was reading one from 1942 and then one from the early fifties... many of the advertisements featured women in bathing suits or their underwear, and each issue had at least one three to five page photo spread of a young hollywood starlet, usually on the beach in a two-piece outfit.

i was kind of surprised.

let me also add that the new band i'm in, the harlots, played our second show last night and it was a blast, we were the last band and i figured everyone would be tired and ready to go home... but when we ended our set the angry mob demanded one more song... we actually weren't going to play another one but it became apparent that they were serious and would appreciate one more song. also, a band called the lonely ones played last night, they're from altoona... they're psychobilly, a lot like tiger army, and they absolutely rocked!
wow, pitchfork gave a good review to an it snowing in hell yet?!?

Sunday, November 18, 2001

Kiss Me I'm Itallian...ay oh, oh ay

A CLASSIC from Who's The Boss?

sorry, it's the late night sunday kind of thing to say...i think?

also...Tony Danza shopping for women's underwear = comedy.....yeeah.