Lunch Should Be Longer

Work, Home, Rest, and's always a great day at work...

Thursday, October 11, 2001

so i sit here and try to work right? ok, fine that's not a problem. having a nice quiet working environment is good. then out of no where a nearby cube dweller let's out a large cackle. i do not know why this person feels they are the most important person here on this floor. it's like everything is a travesty when they are busy. making phone calls thru the speaker phone. this is an office no-no for those non-cube dwellers out there. if i want to hear your conversation, i'd walk in your cube and sit down and take a listen. this is when i put on some mogwai and just drown out the annoying cackles and speaker phone converstations.

CPR: 0% and falling
PPR: 30%

spinning: mogwai - young team


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