Lunch Should Be Longer

Work, Home, Rest, and's always a great day at work...

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

cuckoo's nest practice ran until 11:45 last night. the set is half built. its a two hour show and it took over 3 to run it last night. no light or sound cues were set last night, and that was supposed to be the whole point of last night's practice. but i think its going to come together.

bring me the head, yeah, don't bring the heart. now spinning: RFTC - group sounds.

guys, you might relate to this- my shoes have passed into the dead zone. these nights of practice, a couple times i've had my shoes on from 7 in the morning until 11 at night... and they are not happy. their foul shoe odor is now perceptable even when they are on my feet. i'm going to buy odor eaters and dr scholl's powder, but i do not have high hopes. which is a shame, cause they haven't started falling apart yet.


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