Lunch Should Be Longer

Work, Home, Rest, and's always a great day at work...

Thursday, January 31, 2002

a quote: "Perhaps because the genitalia are involved, people object to prostitution. In a free country people should be able to engage in behavior that others find immoral or objectionable as long as no force or fraud is involved. As an adult I feel confident that I can make my own moral judgments. For me it is not immoral to make other people feel good in a sexual way and receive payment for providing the service."

Scott, prostitution is for me a moral issue. I believe it to be morally wrong, the same way i feel murder to be wrong. Its partly due to my religious convictions, and partly due to my moral compass, my conscience. To me, it is black and white. I really don't know how to explain that to you. And i'm not saying you have to see it my way. Also, as stated before, I just don't know where I stand on the subject of legalizing prostitution. Is it harmful, and does it victimize the innocent? If so, then it should not be legalized.


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