almost every time i leave something "up to the experts", i notice something... the experts aren't much smarter than i am! in fact, in many cases they're only an "expert" because they don't have anything better to do, so to avoid the risk of being laid off they call themselves an "expert" to make themselves seem valuable. and this isn't just in reference to work (although thats what started it). now a lot of people in the "real world" actually are experts, and they have a clue what they're doing... maybe the tech profession has an unusually high "moron expert" ratio... i mean, in the real world, you can't get far saying you're a plumber and then asking the homeowner how to fix a leak. but in the tech world, sure, its a regular thing to be sitting with the "server experts" and they're asking you for advice (or you're offerring it because they're too dumb to figure it out on their own).
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